Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Song # 4

I wrote most of these in about 1o minutes.. I love to express myself with my lyrics. I just hope that some day soon I can find someone to help me put it to music. I want to sing my own songs, for sure.

Get Lost With You

I wanna run my fingers through your hair
And twist my fingers threw your curls
I wanna stare into your hazel eyes
And just get lost with you

Laying next to you
I forget all my troubles
All the days of sorrow are gone
And you are the only thing that will make me smile


As we get lost in endless chatter
I can't help but start to cry
You've completely changed my views on life
And from now on I can really live fully


You've changed me for the better
And that's just fine with me
I never thought I could feel this great
And it's all thanks to you

You're perfect.

I wonder if anyone can guess who that is about... haha

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