Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Little blurbs...

Sometimes when I write, I am not really inspired enough to write a bunch of words. When that happens I can write a few sentences, but they tend to be really powerful.

Here are a few of those...

Life isn't always what you thought it would be
You end up dwelling on the past when your life was more free

I woke up this morning with a funny feeling
What will happen to me today?
(Some don't really mean anything, but this was a time when I wasn't doing so well so I thought everything was just going to get worse)

3. (This is a work in progress)
Without you
I can't laugh or smile
Without you
All my soul is drained
Without you
I can't sing or dream
There is just no me,
Without you

Why wake up in the morning
If I know you won't be there?
Why should I get out of bed
When my day will just be bare?

That's pretty much it... I am still working on a couple but these are ones that I have yet to come back to. My song writing is very spur of the moment. They tend to just flow out of me when I am feeling really strongly about something or someone... kind of like Nick Jonas.

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