Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Song # 2

Well this is another one of those angry songs... my ex really pissed me off quite a few times. He just thought that since I wrote on my facebook that I was so in love with someone that it automatically meant him so he blocked me.. such a child.

Anyway, here it is...

Guess What

So you think you're the best
And no one else can compare
Well guess what, you're not
So you think you're so cute
And your body is rockin'
Well guess what, it's not

You're not so special, not so perfect
I know that for sure
You're not so hot, not so fine
And guess what, I'm over you

Say now that you are starting to think
And you know that you weren't right
Well guess what, I already knew
Say now you want my back
And you can't live without me
Well guess what, you're too late


It took some time to figure this out
I wish I knew from the start
But sometimes things happen for a reason
And I ask myself why didn't I know this sooner?


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